Vincenzo AlfieriUP:2021-06-14
Vincenzo Alfieri is an Italian actor, director and screenwriter, born in Salerno in 1986. After studying acting and directing between New York and Los Angeles and getting a university degree in Political Science, he became known to the big screen audience by starring in the comedy film "Niente può Fermarci", where he was a young man who suffers from Tourette's syndrome. Among his films as director, actor, screenwriter and editor are: "Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo"(2022), "Ai confini del male" (2021), "Gli Uomini d'Oro" (2019) and "I Peggiori" (2017).
- 性别: 男
- 出生日期: 1986年2月6日
- 出生地: 意大利,坎帕尼亚,萨勒诺
- IMDb编号: nm1970601
- 职业: 演员 / 编剧 / 导演