
George PayneUP:2021-01-19


Performed in many straight porn films.

Casey Donovan described him as married, sweet.

The George Bell alias is uncertain.

Was involved with the Mary Marvin, Mary Marvin show (a take off of TV's Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman), a weekly live male feature at the Big Top Theater in New York City in 1977.

Got bit parts in Kojak on TV and the film Death Wish by Charles Bronson. Got a number of movie and theater parts at the Avon where he played a violent or psychotic personality.

His father was from Tunisia and his mother from Zagreb, Yugoslavia, now Croatia.


  • 乔治·佩恩
  • 乔治·佩恩
  • 乔治·佩恩


    • 性别:
    • 出生日期: 1945年2月6日
    • 更多外文名: George Medved (本名)
    • IMDb编号: nm0668331
    • 职业: 演员