
Aria ShahghasemiUP:2021-04-18


Aria Shahghasemi was born in Minneapolis, MN on October 7, 1996 to parents that had migrated to the USA from Iran.

He attended the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City where he acquired an acting apprenticeship in 2015. While in school there, he also worked as a bartender in a number of restaurants in New York City. He also worked as a production assistant for the short TV-movie, Wackademia.

He made his debut as Davis Bennett in the 2015 series, Unforgettable. In 2016, Aria was featured as Omar in the drama series, Law & Order. He came to some fame when he starred as Vet Tech in the 2018 TV series, Instinct, and as Elias Santoro in the high-ranked 2018 movie, No Alternative. In 2018, he became quite popular in his role as Landon Kirby in the TV show, The Originals, and very popular as Landon Kirby in the supernatural TV show, Legacies.


  • 性别:
  • 出生日期: 1996年10月7日
  • IMDb编号: nm7263948
  • 职业: 演员