
Frankie SakaiUP:2021-05-31


Frankie Sakai (フランキー堺 Furankī Sakai), born Masatoshi Sakai (堺 正俊 Sakai Masatoshi), was a Japanese actor, comedian, and musician. Beginning his career as a jazz drummer performing at American Army camps during the postwar occupation of Japan, Sakai went on to become a professional comedian during the 1950's. Sakai became famous for his roles in film comedies produced by Toho, including the films of the popular Ekimae series from 1958 to 1969. While known primarily as a comedic actor, Sakai played both comical and serious dramatic roles in his filmography, appearing in a wide variety of film genres. In 1961, Sakai played the lead roles in Toho's tokusatsu films Mothra and The Last War. In addition to his role as the reporter Senichiro Fukuda in Mothra, Sakai is most recognizable internationally for his dramatic role as Lord Yabu in the 1980 television miniseries Shōgun. Sakai passed away of liver failure on June 10, 1996, at the age of 67.


  • 日本电影学院奖日本电影学院奖获奖3次 , 提名1次
  • 日本电影蓝丝带奖日本电影蓝丝带奖获奖1次
  • 日本电影旬报奖日本电影旬报奖获奖1次
  • 第20届-会长特别奖
  • 第20届-特别奖
  • 第19届-特别奖《写乐》1995 / 饰:Tsutaya
  • 第19届-最佳男配角(提名)《写乐》1995 / 饰:Tsutaya
  • 第8届-最佳男主角《幕末太阳传》1957 / 饰:InokoriSaheiji,thestayer
  • 第31届-最佳男主角《幕末太阳传》1957 / 饰:InokoriSaheiji,thestayer


  • 性别:
  • 出生日期: 1929年2月13日
  • 去世日期: 1996年6月10日
  • 出生地: 日本,鹿儿岛
  • 更多中文名: 堺正俊 / 法兰基·堺
  • 更多外文名: Masatoshi Sakai (本名) / フランキー堺
  • IMDb编号: nm0756998
  • 职业: 演员 / 配音 / 制片人