Dino De LaurentiisUP:2021-12-26
Agostino "Dino" De Laurentiis was an Italian-American film producer. Along with Carlo Ponti, he was one of the producers who brought Italian cinema to the international scene at the end of World War II. He produced or co-produced more than 500 films, of which 38 were nominated for Academy Awards. He also had a brief acting career in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
- 第73届-埃尔文·G·撒尔伯格纪念奖
- 第29届-最佳外语片《大路》1954
- 第29届-最佳国际影片《大路》1954
- 第60届-金狮奖-终身成就奖
- 第60届-金狮奖-终身成就奖(提名)
- 第56届-皮埃特罗·比安奇奖
- 第23届-终身成就奖
- 第51届-50th Anniversary David
- 第45届-Cinecittà Award
- 第16届-最佳影片《滑铁卢战役》1970
- 第13届-Best Production (Migliore Produzione)《四面警网》1968
- 第11届-Best Production (Migliore Produzione)《圣经:创世纪》1966
- 第10届-Golden Plate
- 第6届-Best Production (Migliore Produzione)《都回家去》1960
- 第2届-Best Production (Migliore Produzione)《卡比利亚之夜》1957