Barbara BouchetUP:2021-02-16
Barbara Bouchet is a German-American actress and entrepreneur who lives and works in Italy. She has acted in more than 80 films and television episodes and founded a production company that has produced fitness videos and books. She also owns and operates a fitness studio. She appeared in Casino Royale as Miss Moneypenny, in Don't Torture a Duckling as Patrizia, in Sweet Charity as Ursula, in The Red Queen Kills Seven Times as Kitty Wildenbrück, in Caliber 9 as Nelly Bordon, in The Scarlet and The Black as Minna Kappler, and in Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York as Mrs. Schermerhorn.
- 性别: 女
- 出生日期: 1943年8月15日
- 出生地: 德国 苏台德区 Reichenberg
- 更多中文名: 芭芭拉·宝钗
- 更多外文名: Barbara Goutscher (本名)
- 家庭成员: Luigi Borghese(前夫)
- IMDb编号: nm0099054
- 职业: 演员