
Alastair FothergillUP:2021-11-12


Alastair Fothergill is currently an Executive Producer in the BBC Natural History Unit where he started in 1983. He has been an important part in creating many award-winning and globally important wildlife programmes, including the Natural World and Wildlife on One strands, and Reefwatch in 1988, where he was one of the team that created the first live broadcasting from beneath the sea and then went on to work with Sir David Attenborough on Trials of Life in 1990. His relationship with Sir David continued with the epic Life in the Freezer in 1993, celebrating the wildlife of the Antarctic, and he has been the crucial link in the making of many other landmark series.

These can be seen on the BBC Earth website, with clips from Life in the Freezer, celebrating the wildlife of the Antarctic and Blue Planet, on the world’s oceans. He was also Series Producer for the landmark series Planet Earth and subsequently co-directed the cinematic version, Earth, to worldwide acclaim. He is currently Executive Producer for the Unit’s next major series, Frozen Planet, to be broadcast in 2011. In addition to his work for the NHU, Alastair has his own production company and is currently directing two cinematic movies for Disney Nature.


  • 艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔
  • 艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔
  • 艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔
  • 艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔
  • 艾雷斯泰·法瑟吉尔


  • 英国电影学院奖英国电影学院奖提名3次
  • 艾美奖艾美奖获奖2次
  • 第65届-BAFTA TV Award —— Best Specialist Factual(提名)冰冻星球》2011
  • 第60届-BAFTA TV Award —— Huw Wheldon Award for Specialist Factual(提名)《地球脉动第一季》2006
  • 第55届-BAFTA TV Award —— Best Innovation(提名)蓝色星球》2001
  • 第64届-Outstanding Nonfiction Series冰冻星球》2011
  • 第59届-Outstanding Nonfiction Series《地球脉动第一季》2006


  • 性别:
  • 出生日期: 1960年4月10日
  • 出生地: 英国,伦敦
  • IMDb编号: nm0288144
  • 职业: 导演 / 制片人 / 编剧